Pregnancy Chiropractic

Pregnancy Chiropractic

In the months during and after pregnancy, chiropractic care can be very beneficial for mothers. During pregnancy, your body is rapidly changing to allow room for your developing, growing child. As your baby and belly grow, this increases the strain and pressure on your low back and joints as your center of gravity shifts forward. There is also a dramatic shift in hormones, particularly that of relaxin. Relaxin causes your joints to loosen and is needed for your pelvis to open up while giving birth. However, it affects all the joints in the body which can lead to joint pain.

Other symptoms that are common during pregnancy include headaches, nausea, digestive issues, sciatica, carpal tunnel syndrome, jaw pain, round ligament pain, pubic bone pain, and muscle aches and tension. Chiropractic care has been demonstrated to be an effective and natural treatment method that can help with these symptoms for a more comfortable pregnancy and better postpartum recovery.

Webster Technique Chiropractic

Dr. Nathan is certified in the Webster technique, an adjusting protocol that was developed specifically for treatment during pregnancy and postpartum. It works by aligning the bones of the pelvis and sacrum and easing tension in the ligaments and muscles around the pelvis. When everything around the pelvis is balanced, it creates the most space in the pelvis so that your baby can be in the best position for birth. Potential benefits of chiropractic care and the Webster technique include decreased pain in labor and delivery, reduced labor times, and optimal fetal positioning. Dr. Nathan uses special pregnancy pillows during adjustments which have cut outs to allow moms to lie face down even with growing bellies. He treats pregnant moms at all stages of pregnancy, from just a few weeks along and has seen patients as late as 41 weeks gestation!

Postpartum Chiropractic

The postpartum period can be just as demanding as pregnancy on the body, and chiropractic care can help improve recovery. The hormones that sustained pregnancy take time to gradually dissipate, and chiropractic helps ensure the body and muscles are in proper alignment and balanced as this occurs. In addition, feeding and caring for a newborn can be taxing for mothers. Chiropractic care helps moms and parents feel their best so they can take care of their children with no limitations or dysfunction.


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9:00 am - 6:00 pm


9:00 am - 6:00 pm


9:00 am - 6:00 pm




9:00 am - 6:00 pm



